Three years after being wed in a lavish ceremony in Udaipur to Chaitanya Jonnalagadda, Niharika Konidela decided to get divorced in 2023. The couple has stayed away from making any comments about their decision to divorce, except by making a public announcement about it. The actor-producer has now openly discussed her divorce and disclosed the difficult experiences she had.
In a recent interview, Niharika opened up on her experiences and said, “Marriage is a big institution, and irrespective of economic or cultural status, it is a big journey for everyone. Be it a Udaipur or a registered wedding, no one spends a bomb just to part
ways in a couple of years”
Niharika further revealed how the phase was extremely challenging. She said her family stood by her by providing strength and understanding.
“Many people write bad things, but I have a close circle of friends and family, and all that matters to me is what they think. So, I never cared about what other people think about me,” said Niharika.
On a snippet of the interview posted on social media, Chaitanya Jonnalagadda commented on the interview and while he supported his ex-wife for her statements, Chaitanya also spoke his mind. “I truly appreciate the effort you have made in trying to ward away the unfair negativity on Niharika that is going on lately. I know it is not easy to face it in tandem with dealing with a personal crisis.
In a long Intagram comment Chaitanya also suggested the media to stop tagging people as a ‘victim’ or ’cause’. He suggested people to not speculate and speak about things without knowing two-sides of the story.