Mumbai Police after the detailed investigation on the sudden incident of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death finalized that it’s a suicide. Now, a new twist is added to this case. Sushant’s father KK Singh has filed a complaint against Sushant’s girlfriend, Riya Chakraborty, at the Rajendranagar police station, Patna.
According to the complaint, Sushant had to commit suicide by the conspiring acts caused by Riya Chakraborty and others. Patna police have registered a case under sections 341, 323, 342, 420 and 406 against Riya and five others as per the complaint of KK Singh. Also, a special police team was sent to Mumbai to investigate the case. Although he wanted to file a complaint in Mumbai, he felt that he could not travel considering his health conditions and had complained in Patna. Sushant’s family, who had been silent for several days after Sushant’s death, is now complaining about Riya and a few days earlier Riya Chakraborty also demanded a CBI probe into Sushant’s death. She also appealed to Central Home Minister Amit Shah on the social media. Now that Sushant Singh’s father complaining about Riya paved way for many doubts which might be sorted out in the future investigations.