Tollywood Actor Pawan Kalyan is experiencing an amazing phase in his life. His political journey has seen a success recently with his party winning all the seats it contested in AP Assembly elections. The Actor has also been made the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh subsequently. This really stands as a new political milestone for Pawan Kalyan.
Another Milestone is also on the way. Pawan Kalyan’s photo frame will be placed in all the government offices along with the CM, Chandrababu Naidu. Generally, we would see only a CM having his photo in the offices. But from now on, Pawan Kalyan will be enjoying this honor. It’s really great news for both his fans and Audiences as well.
The Actor was also presented with many important ministries along with the Deputy CM honor. Panchayat Raj, Rural Development and Rural Water Supply, Science and Technology, and Environment and Forest Ministries will be under his control. The Actor has a lot of work to take care of. It must be seen how he manages both his films and these political activities. On the other hand, his OG directed by Sujeeth has locked its release date. The film was earlier scheduled to release this September but got postponed to March next year.