Tollywood Actor, Naga Chaitanya got engaged to another actress, Sobhita yesterday. The news shocked everyone since there was no official information regarding this. As we all know, Naga Chaitanya and Actress Samantha divorced each other after leading marriage life for over 4 years. Now, Netizens back Samantha over Naga Chaitanya in this whole episode.
As the ex-couple divorced each other, many targeted Samantha then citing her glamourous and explicit scenes in few films as the reason. They even blamed Samantha for rejecting pregnancy. But now, interestingly they have all shifted their loyalty to Samantha by blaming Naga Chaitanya. Netizens are posting comments that their analysis was not correct and feel that Naga Chaitanya was the main reason for divorce. They feel that he got into a relationship soon after the divorce with Sobhita and engaged with her but Samantha remained single and silent.
After all this, no one knows the exact reason behind their divorce. Netizens change their opinions according to the happening events and we are witnessing the same here as well. This is an interesting support for Samantha as she always attracts controversy and hate on social media platforms. Samantha hasn’t responded to the engagement tweet of Naga Chaitanya yet. Let’s see if she does it in the future.