Actor Naresh’s latest video has left everyone in shock. He was seen with his alleged love interest Pavitra Lokesh in an apartment in Bangalore. Naresh’s estranged wife Ramya went to that apartment and created huge ruckus there.
Ramya was there to assault Pavitra Lokesh. The situation went out of control.
Police has to reach the location and tackle this situation. While police were trying to stop Ramya from assaulting Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh, he behaved quite weirdly.
We can see him shouting and whistling. This has created quite a sensation on social media. Everyone were in a shock after seeing Naresh’s behavior and needless to say that he has given some new meme stuff to the netizens.
Last week there were rumors that Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh are going to tie the knot. However, Pavitra released a video condemning them.
Let us see what happens now after this whole scene that happened in an apartment in Bangalore.
Naresh has always been in news and social media because of his offscreen antics and this is not something new for him either. He has become viral online already and we just have to wait and watch what happens next.