Veteran Actor of Tollywood, Kota Srinivasa Rao made sensational comments recently on Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan. He made those comments during an interview. He went on to say that Ram Charan, son of Chiranjeevi doesn’t know acting. He said that Ram Charan is not a great actor and he became such a big star only because of being son to Chiranjeevi. He also said that he didn’t prove himself as an actor. These didn’t go well with Mega fans and some netizens. They feel that Ram Charan proved his acting capabilities with Rangasthalam and RRR. They fired on Kota Srinivasa Rao for his comments.
Kota also talked about Chiranjeevi during the interview and appealed him to supply food to the cine workers instead of building a hospital. He also said that Chiranjeevi didn’t help anyone by giving them money or a role in his film. He also spoke about Ram Charan as said above. Kota Srinivasa Rao enjoys a good rapport with all the star heroes. But him firing on Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan came as a shocker. Chiranjeevi’s brother Nagababu made derogatory comments on Kota Srinivasa Rao during the MAA Elections held in 2021. This might also be the reason for Kota firing on both.