After a heartwarming run at the Telugu box office, Karthi’s latest emotional drama Sathyam Sundaram (released as Meiyazhagan in Tamil) is now gearing up for its worldwide digital release. Directed by the acclaimed C. Prem Kumar, the film premiered in theaters on September 28 and quickly won the hearts of audiences with its simple yet emotionally charged storyline.
‘Sathyam Sundaram’ tells the touching story of Satyam, who forms a deep bond with his brother-in-law Sundaram (played by Karthi). Their journey through the complexities of family, relationships, and nostalgia strikes a chord with viewers, reminding them of the forgotten joys of childhood, cousins, and true friendships—elements that feel rare in today’s fast-paced world.
Karthi and Arvind Swamy’s portrayal of Sathyam and Sundaram received high praise for their heartfelt performances, which added depth to the film’s nostalgic themes. The movie’s cinematography and emotional narrative, combined with these powerful performances, have left many viewers moved to tears.
Initially scheduled for a Deepavali release, the film’s digital debut on Netflix has been rescheduled to October 25. With its touching message about family and human connections, ‘Sathyam Sundaram’ is expected to continue garnering love from a global audience as it makes its way to streaming platforms. This slice-of-life drama has already won over Telugu viewers, and now, it is set to reach a wider range of fans worldwide.