Superstar Rajinikanth’s Jailer, which was released in theaters globally on August 10, has become a massive blockbuster at the box office. Nelson Dilipkumar is the director of the film, which is centered around the character called Tiger Muthuvel Pandian. Since the film’s release, the news about its sequel has been coming and as per the reports, Nelson is planning to start the sequel to Jailer right away.
Nelson revealed in the 1st part itself that there will be a sequel to Jailer and with the mind-blowing success of the film, Nelson is in plans to start the 2nd part immediately, and the buzz is that the discussions have already started on this and more details about the project will be revealed soon.
Like Lokesh Kanagaraj’s Vikram, Jailer also ends on a highly intriguing note, leaving opportunities for a sequel. In the end, the main villain talks about “some people” and a “large syndicate and network” and warns Muthuvel Pandian (Rajinikanth) that he cannot get away and live in peace with his family.
So there can be more number of villains and which is why the director Nelson Dilipkumar has shown Rajinikanth, Shiva Raj Kumar, and Mohanlal, the three superstars coming together on screen to fight against the big crime syndicate. So let’s watch out for the sequel of the Jailer.