Director Nelson and Nayanthara are all set to collaborate for the blockbuster sequel. The Kollywood Circles are abuzz with the news of the actress and director teaming up again for the Sequel of Kolamavu Kokila. Nayan’s fans will be pleased with this news.
Kolamavu Kokila was a blockbuster starring Nayanthara, and the film’s success helped Nelson to create his brand, especially the dark comedy brand audiences. Now, the buzz is that Nelson is planning to make a sequel to the film called Kolamavu Kokila 2.
The film was released in 2018 and had Nayanthara playing the lead with Yogi Babu, Saranya Ponvannan, RS Shivaji, Charles Vinoth, Hareesh Peradi, Jacqueline, Rajendran, Saravanan, Redin Kingsley, Arun Alexander, to name a few. Lyca Productions was the bankroller of the black comedy, which featured Anirudh Ravichander’s music. Both critics and the audience praised Kolamavu Kokila.
Kolamavu Kokila tells us the story of a girl named Kokila (Nayanthara), who voluntarily joins a drug trafficking mafia in a small town to save her mother from terminal cancer. The film’s success led to its Hindi remake. Janhvi Kapoor played the lead in the Hindi remake titled Good Luck Jerry, directed by debutant Sidharth Sengupta. The film is now streaming on Disney + Hotstar.