Tollywood Actor Balakrishna and Director Bobby collaborated for a film tentatively titled, NBK109. The film’s shoot is also going on at brisk pace and aiming for release next year. The team is learnt to have finalised Sarkar Sitaram as title of the film. Title teaser is also about to arrive on 31st October as Diwali gift for fans and audience.
The film has a record budget in Balakrishna’s career. Theatrical business of the film is also said to be happening in a big way. It is also expected to be in the range of 90 crores. Currently, the film is planned for release on January 12th next year. Promotional activities of the film are also ready and would begin with this Diwali with the title teaser.
The entire shoot of the film is expected to be wrapped up by November and post production works would follow after this. Bobby Deol and Dulquer Salmaan are playing pivotal roles in the film as well.