NBK109, the Bloody mass entertainer shoot begins. Nandamuri Balakrishna was recently seen in Anil Ravipudi’s directorial Bhagavanth Kesari and scored a success. Bobby Kolli, who scored a big hit with his previous film Waltair Veerayya, is the director of the actor’s upcoming project, NBK 109. The film was announced long back, and today, its official shoot has begun. The fans of Balayya are delighted as the NBK109 – Bloody mass entertainer shoot begins.
A striking poster featuring an axe decorated with sunglasses and a locket has been unveiled by the makers to announce that the regular shooting for NBK 109 has begun.
The film is said to have a 1980s backdrop and will be made as a high-octane mass entertainer. The unit plans to complete the shoot before April 2024 and release the film in May 2024.
Shortly, the cast and crew details of the film will be revealed. For music composer, the unit is looking for Anirudh as the first option, and if not him the second option is none other than Devi Sri Prasad. The film is being produced by Naga Vamsi of Sithara Entertainments and Sai Soujanya of Fortune Four Cinema.