Actress Nayanthara and her husband Vignesh Shivan launched their own skincare company on Thursday, September 14. While Vignesh Shivan announced this news on his Twitter Account. Nayan took to her Instagram account and announced that the official sale of the products will take place on the website on September 29.
Her post read, “Today, we are extremely thrilled to reveal six years of relentless effort and love. We’ve poured our hearts into curating products that are as unique as you are, with formulas that are backed by nature and modern science with nanotechnology and designed to elevate your self-care routine. Join us on this self-love journey and say hello to healthier, glowing skin! We introduce @9SKINOfficial. The labor of self-love you deserve is now brewing to be discovered. We believe self-love is all we need. The 9SKIN journey begins on September 29, 2023. Prepare for an amazing skincare experience.”
Starting a company is not the first time for Nayanthara, as she also owns a lip balm company with her friend and business partner, dermatologist Dr. Renita Rajan.
Nayanthara last appeared in her Bollywood debut film, ‘Jawan,’ alongside Shah Rukh Khan on the work front. The actress received a warm welcome in the Hindi film industry, and she is now awaiting the release of her next Tamil film, ‘Iraivan’, which is set to release on September 28. The actress is preparing to shoot her films ‘Test’ with Madhavan and Siddharth and the tentatively titled ‘Lady Superstar 75’ with Sathyaraj and Jai.