Tollywood Superstar, Mahesh Babu is currently busy for his upcoming film with Director SS Rajamouli. The duo has collaborated on making a big budgeted Pan India film with large scale production values. The team made it clear that it will be a globe trotting adventure set in the African forests. Now, a rumour is doing rounds that Actor Nassar has become a tutor for Mahesh Babu for his upcoming film with Rajamouli.
Nassar is a legendary character artist in Tamil Film Industry. He attained popularity in Telugu film Industry as well with many characters that he portrayed. Now as said, a rumour has spread that Nassar will teach Mahesh Babu about some dialects. Nassar is a Tamil Man and him teaching Mahesh Babu dialects for a Telugu film lacks clarity. Nassar might be coming on board for the film which could have been wrongly interpreted by some people.
Morevoer, the film that Mahesh Babu collaborating with Rajamouli is an Action adventure and one must wonder why Nassar would become a tutor for such a genre-related film. This will definitely be a rumour. Rajamouli and the team are also busy in the pre-production works. Fans hope that Mahesh Babu’s birthday will be an ideal time for the launch of the film.