Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh have been in the news since their wedding in March. In fact, they also made a film titled Malli Pelli, which is based on their personal life and marriage. During the promotion of the film, Naresh revealed that his late father Krishna and half-brother Mahesh Babu had accepted their relationship. His words did not go well with the fans of Mahesh Babu and Late Superstar Krishna Garu.
Naresh further shared that his family has accepted marriage with Pavitra Lokesh. He added, “Krishna Garu and Mahesh Babu’s families accepted us, and our relationship. They like Pavitra’s cooking skills, and they enjoy food made by her. Naresh and Pavitra have been in a relationship for many years, and she was often seen at family gatherings of Ghattamaneni. She was also present at Krishna and Vijaya Nirmala’s funeral.
The fans of Ghattamaneni family are not happy with the behavior of Actor Naresh. They say that it is okay if Naresh and Pavitra have loved each other and got married. There is no problem for anyone in this regard because it is their personal decision, but the problem is they both are continuously bringing Krishna and Mahesh Babu’s name without any reason. In the trailer of Malli Pelli also, Naresh used the getup of Superstar Krishna Garu for a character.
Now once again this couple has triggered the fans by saying Krishna Garu and Mahesh both have accepted their relation. Not only that and they went to an extreme level by saying the fans also accepted us, which is not at all being liked by Mahesh fans.