Actor Nara Rohit has had an interesting career in the Telugu Film Industry. Even though some of his movies have not done so well commercially, he has always been known to choose unique scripts and take up different roles. Whether it is Prathinidhi, Asura, or Appatlo Okadundevadu, the man had a knack for choosing out-of-the-box scripts.
But the actor has been on a break for quite some time now and it looks like he is finally making a comeback. Just a couple of days ago, an intriguing pre-look poster was revealed. Today, the film’s title and first look were revealed. And to everyone’s pleasant surprise, the film will be a sort of spiritual sequel to his highly acclaimed Pratinidhi movie.
The first look poster of the film is super interesting as we see Nara Rohit’s image entirely made out of newspapers. Clearly, the film will be based on media, and journalism and will be highlighting a social issue of some sort. The caption of the film reads, “One man will stand again, against all odds.” From the poster alone, we can already tell that something big has been planned for Prathinidhi 2.
The film is said to have a theatrical release on January 25th, 2024 on the occasion of Republic Day. Renowned TV5 journalist Murthy Devagupthapu is the director of the film and Vanara Entertainments has bankrolled this political drama.
Coming to the technical aspects of the film, Mahati Swara Sagar has been roped in as the music director whereas Nani Chamidishetty will be in charge of the cinematography. Ravi Teja Girijala will be editing the movie. The makers will be revealing the rest of the cast and crew very soon.