The film 35 Chinna Katha Kaadu is slated to release on September 6, 2024. Rana is introducing the film, and the pre-release ceremony was held in Hyderabad yesterday. Nani appeared as the event’s main guest and talked highly of Nivetha. “I’ve never met a kinder person in my life than Nivetha Thomas.
Nani is an inspiring hero for everyone. With his hard work, passion, and story selections, he rose from nowhere to become a natural star. Nani continues to score hits with films, and his choice of directors and scripts is astounding. Even after Saindhav’s failure, Nani teamed up with Sailesh Kolanu for Hit 3. He is showing himself by the success of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. Nani, a star in his range, says he is pleased when someone mentions that Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is an SJ Suryah film, which no other hero can confess.
Yesterday, at the pre-release ceremony for 35 Chinna Katha Kaadu, Nani remarked that films like Saripodhaa Sanivaaram come every day, but films like 35 Chinna Katha Kaadu come extremely infrequently and should not be missed. He also stated that he had seen the film. It’s a must-see flick. Who would say that when his film is out in theaters? This distinctive approach distinguishes him from others.