Nani is coming up with romantic comedy film Ante Sundaraniki which is scheduled to release on 10th June. Malayalam actress Nazriya Nazim is making her Tollywood debut with this movie. This film theatrical business is around 30.5Crs. Film should generate super positive word of mount to bring audience to theaters as the promotional content which was out has failed to create a strong buzz. Here’s Ante Sundaraniki Worldwide Pre-Release Box-office Business.
Nani’s Ante Sundaraniki Worldwide Pre-Release Box-office Business
AREA | Pre Business |
Nizam | 12 Cr |
Ceded | 4 Cr |
Uttarandhra | 2.5 Cr |
Guntur | 1.5 Cr |
East Godavari | 1.6 Cr |
West Godavari | 1.3 Cr |
Krishna | 1.4 Cr |
Nellore | 0.7 Cr |
AP/TS | 25 Cr |
Worldwide | 30.5 Cr |
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