Nani has proved time and again that he is the most hard-working actor in the Telugu Film Industry. He has just had the biggest film of his career Shyam Singha Roy release a month ago, he was busy with promotions before and after the release. Immediately after that, he has joined the sets of Ante Sundaraniki, and now he has completed shooting for the film.
This is a rare occurrence at the moment as most films are taking 1-2 years to complete shooting. There have also been no updates about the release date or any announcements regarding some movies. But Nani on the other hand is completing the shoot of his films in 1-2 years, with constant updates also.
Ante Sundaraniki is yet another unique concept under Nani’s catalog of movies. Nani plays the role of an orthodox Brahmin who ends up falling in love with a Christian girl, Nazriya. He then trains her to act like a Brahmin to convince his parents. What happens when his parents find out about the truth, forms the rest of the story.
The film also stars Harsha Vardhan, Suhas, and Rahul Ramakrishna in prominent roles. Vivek Athreya, who has directed the comedic entertainer Brochevarevarura is the director of the film. Mythri Movies have bankrolled the project.