Tollywood Actor Nani with his last year releases, Dasara and Hi Nanna is sweeping all the major Awards. The Actor has grabbed the Best Actor award already in Filmfare and SIIMA Awards. Now, he has again repeated the same phenomenon by taking home the Best Actor Award in IIFA Awards which happened yesterday. This is definitely a big achievement for Nani.
Dasara and Hi Nanna swept many awards in these Award events. Nani is right now in his peak form not only delivering commercial successes but also getting the accolades and awards surprisingly. He looks like perfectly balancing both these segments. His recent film, Saripodhaa Sanivaaram too gained a massive positive reception among the audience. It also became a decent hit for him.
Pumped up by these successes, he has planned Hit 3 directed by Sailesh Kolanu. The film is already in shoot process and release date was also announced as 1st May next year. He has also lined up films under the direction of Dasara fame Odela Srikanth and Sekhar Kammula along with Sujeeth. With all these films in his kitty, he looks busy for atleast 2-3 years from now on.