Natural Star Nani is definitely one of the pleasing actors to watch on screen. The ‘V’ actor is currently busy with some interesting projects like Shyam Singha Roy and Ante Sundaraniki. His action drama film Tuck Jagadish is also ready to release with makers waiting for Covid situation to clear. Shiva Nirvana has directed this film and it was scheduled to release last month. The movie got postponed owing to the pandemic.
Meanwhile, in a recent interview, Nani was asked if he’s considering a Bollywood film in the future. The actor quipped that the day he would feel he can look like an authentic Bollywood actor and not look out of place would be the day he would consider a film in Hindi.
Meanwhile, Nani’s Evade Subhramanyam co- star Vijay Devarakonda is gearing up for his Bollywood debut with Liger. Puri Jagannath
Meanwhile, Nani’s Evade Subhramanyam co-star Vijay Devarakonda is gearing up for his Bollywood debut with Liger. Puri Jagannath will direct this sports action drama.