Veera Simha Reddy, Balakrishna’s new movie is directed by Gopichand Malineni. It is being made under the Mythri Movie Makers banner. On Friday, the title poster of the film was unveiled at the famous Kurnool’s Kondareddy Buruj. The title logo with the tagline ‘Man of Masses’ impressed the fans.
The film team is confident that ‘Veera Simha Reddy’ is the right kind of title for Balayya’s royalty and his heroism as a mass action entertainer. Even in the past, movies like ‘Narasimha Naidu, Samara Simha Reddy’ and ‘Simha’ have become hits. So it’s become like a sentiment to have Simha word in titles for Balakrishna.
The latest news is that the film’s story has been leaked. The story is doing rounds in the industry circles at present.
As per the leaked story, Balakrishna is playing two roles Father and Son, Son is working as a bank manager in a foreign country with Shruti Hassan as a colleague and living with his mom. Old Balakrishna is a faction leader and gets killed by a villain, and young Balakrishna will come to India to take his revenge.
Varalakshmi Sarath Kumar is the sister of old Balakrishna, Her husband is the villain. This leaked story is looking very routine, but any commercial mass entertainer can work with the right execution and proper scenes which cater to the audience.
The first look poster followed by the teaser of the movie increased the expectations of the film and the title poster also shook social media. It can be said that if the mass dialogue spoken by director Gopichand Malineni at the title launch event is uttered by Balakrishna in the movie, the theater will surely shake with whistles and claps of the fans and audience.