It is very well known to everyone that Director Veerabhadram Chaudhary made the movie “Bhai” with Nagarjuna. The movie, which was released in 2013 had failed miserably at the box office. Richa Gangopadhyay acted as the heroine in this action comedy film. It has to be said that this movie is a big blow for director Veerabhadram Chaudhary’s career. Because after such a disastrous result, he found it difficult to get chances from noted heroes.
Also, Hero Nagarjuna had said at that there was no mistake on his part, which indirectly indicated that the director was the reason for the result of the film. If a top hero gives a message like that, then definitely it will effect the career of a director.
Veerabhadram Chaudhary recently talked about Bhai film and its after effects on him. In a YouTube interview, he said that Nagarjuna’s movie destroyed his career. He said that his career stopped with the movie “Bhai”. His other movies like “Ahana Pellanta” and “Poolarangadu” were blockbusters He said that “Bhai” became a big break in his comfortable life, and his situation has changed like if he suddenly got pushed in the middle of a flight.
He said that initially wanted to make Bhai as a comedy entertainer. The film was meant to be a hilarious ride, but the story was changed due to various developments when Nagarjuna became the hero. At First, the story of “Bhai” that I told was fun and jovial, it starts as a comedy and turns serious at the end. The audience expected comedy, but the seriousness did not reach them, Veerabhadram said.
Veerabhadram also stated that the film “Bhai” was made within the planned budget, the story was also liked by everyone, including Nagarjuna and it was shot in Annapurna Studio, even though outside producers came to make it, Nagarjuna produced the film, but somewhere it became a misfire. After that, he made a film called “Chuttalabbai” with Aadi Sai Kumar which was also a failure at the box office. Now, after a gap of seven years, he is making a movie called “Dilwala”.