Veteran actor Nagarjuna has revealed that his son, actor Naga Chaitanya, had a difficult time following his divorce with Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Naga Chaitanya and Samantha were married for four years until they split up in 2021. He is currently engaged to Sobhita Dhulipala.
Nagarjuna shared his delight at his son Chay’s engagement in an interview. “Chay has discovered happiness again. He is quite delighted.” So am I. It has not been an easy time for Chay or the family. He became really depressed after his split with Samantha. My son does not express his sentiments to anyone. But I knew he wasn’t happy. I am very happy to see him smiling again. Sobhita and Chay are a great couple. They care deeply for one another.”
Naga Chaitanya and Samantha Ruth Prabhu dated for four years before getting married in 2017. However, the pair confirmed their split in 2021. The audience and their supporters were continually criticizing both stars for their decisions. They published a message asking followers for privacy while they ‘moved on’.
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala were engaged on August 8, 2024. In the same interview, Nagarjuna admitted that it was a ‘hurried engagement’ because the day was particularly fortunate. Their engagement surprised everyone, and Samantha’s admirers have expressed their discontent on social media. The wedding date has not yet been set.