Nagarjuna is keeping silent on the Naa Saami Ranga release. It is widely known that Akkineni Nagarjuna had taken a break after the failure of his previous film, The Ghost. Finally, he brought Naa Saami Ranga as his next film, and the title teaser worked very positively for the film. However, surprisingly, Nagarjuna is keeping silent on the Naa Saami Ranga release.
The movie has an excellent cast in the form of Allari Naresh and Raj Tarun, who will reportedly play essential roles in the film, and there will be three heroines as well in the film. The movie was announced for Sankranthi release, but after that, many movies were being announced for Sankranthi, and everyone confirmed the release dates on each occasion and locked the theatres.
During the Dasara festival, films such as Family Star Hanuman reconfirmed the release date and started the promotions. Still, the Naa Saami Ranga team has kept silent, and even on the business side, they are quiet for now, and the inside reports strongly suggest that they are not closing the business for the film and not locking the theatres.
There is a buzz that the movie will likely be postponed to Summer, but an official confirmation has just been made. Everyone is waiting to see when Nagarjuna’s silence on Naa Saami Ranga release will be broken.