A big announcement on a very special day. King Nagarjuna Akkineni’s new film has been announced, much to the delight of his fans, on the occasion of his birthday. Popular choreographer Vijay Binni who worked on many noted movies is making his directorial debut with the movie billed to be a Mass Jatara. Passionate producer Srinivasa Chitturi of Tollywood’s leading production house Srinivasaa Silver Screen who lined up some high-budget entertainers with top stars of the industry will be making the movie on a massive scale. Pavan Kumar is presenting this project that is touted to be rich, in terms of production design and technical standards.
What’s more, the makers have also proclaimed the film’s title through a glimpse and also a first-look poster. A catchy title Naa Saami Ranga is locked for the movie. The first thing that comes to our minds after hearing the title is the iconic song- Naa Saami Ranga from ANR’s cult hit Sipayi Chinnayya.
Nagarjuna sports a one-of-its-kind mass avatar in the first-look poster with messy hair and beard. He is seen smoking a beedi. The title glimpse introduces us to the world of Naa Saami Ranga. When a batch of goons headed by Karuna Kumar of Palasa fame is waiting for the protagonist to kill him, he is symbolically introduced as King. Then the real Mass Jathara begins with the entry of Nagarjuna. He starts attacking them when the opponents are already in shivers after hearing his name. Nagarjuna simply killed it in the mass look and his exceptional screen presence brings strength to the sequence. While the visuals are top-notch, the background score gives perfect elevations. The expectations have already reached sky-high with the first look and title glimpse.
Legendary composer MM Keeravani who provided many chartbuster albums for Nagarjuna and won the Oscar Award and National Award for his work in RRR will be scoring the music for the movie. The blockbuster writer Prasanna Kumar Bezawada provided story and dialogues for the film that will have some well-known technicians to helm different crafts.
The makers have also come up with another surprising update. Naa Saami Ranga will have its theatrical release for Sankranti, 2024. Sankranti is the biggest season for the release of films and it is the most favorite season for Nagarjuna who scored several hits for the festival. So, it’s going to be a real festival for Akkineni fans. An entertaining film will always be a first priority for family audiences during the festival holidays.
Cast: King Nagarjuna Akkineni, Karuna Kumar
Technical Crew:
Director: Vijay Binni
Producer: Srinivasaa Chitturi
Banner: Srinivasaa Silver Screen
Music: MM Keeravani
Presents: Pavan Kumar
Story, Dialogues: Prasanna Kumar Bezawada
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar