Naga Shourya, one of the well-appreciated actors of Telugu Film Industry, is in news for a bit of controversy today. His latest film ‘Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi’ is all set to release on March 17, now Naga Shourya is in the news because of a viral video. In the video, the “Oohalu Gusa Gusalaade” actor is seen getting down from his four-wheeler on a busy road in Hyderabad and questioning a youngster who had hit his girlfriend.
“Why did you abuse her on the street? Tell her sorry,” Naga Shourya is seen angrily telling the abuser in the video. The people around had gathered and tried to convince the boyfriend to apologize. We can see the girl trying to take away her boyfriend to avoid further controversy in the video.
The video has gone viral, but a section of netizens feels that it might be a promotional video for Naga Shaurya’s upcoming movie. The truth will be revealed soon but if it is really a staged video, Netizens certainly will troll the makers and the actor for the terrible tactics for promotions. If it is genuine, Naga Shourya deserves an appreciation for standing against physical abuse of a girl.
‘Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi’, Naga Shourya’s new film is directed by Srinivas Avasarala, stars Malvika Nair as the heroine. People Media Factory and Dasari Productions released its teaser recently. Vivek Sagar has composed a song for the movie, while the rest of the songs and BGM have been done by Kalyani Malik and one of his compositions, ‘Kanula Chatu Meghama’ is already a hit.