Naga Shaurya has been the busiest actor in Tollywood in the year 2021. He has had two releases in theatres, Varudu Kaavalenu and Lakshya. Both the films are now streaming on top digital streaming platforms.
However, both films have unfortunately failed at the box office. Varudu Kaavaelnu received a decent response from the audience but failed to pick up the pace at the collections box. Lakshya on the other hand was dismissed completely and opened to terrible collections.
Lakshya is streaming exclusively on the Telugu digital platform Aha. The movie also stars Ketika Sharma and Jagapathi Babu and, Santhosh Jagarlapudi has directed the film.
Varudu Kaavalenu is streaming exclusively on Zee5. The movie also stars Ritu Varma, Murali Sharma, and Nadiya. Lakshmi Sowjanya is the director of the movie.