Naga Shaurya had a rather disappointing year at the box office in 2021. He had two releases Varudu Kaavalenu and Lakshya and both failed to impress the audience. Now, both these films after a disappointing run at the box office are all set to stream on OTT.
Varudu Kaavalenu will release on 7th January on Zee 6 while Lakshya will release on the same day on Aha.
Varudu Kaavalenu was well appreciated for its technical values and core concept but failed to create the magic at the box office. The film was an average fare and continued Naga Shourya’s dry run at the box office.
The film featured an impressive support cast and had seasoned actors such as Murali Sharma, Nadhiya, and Vennela Kishore among others. SS Thaman and Vishal Chandrashekhar composed the music and score for this film.
Lakshya on the other hand sports drama and featured the young actor as a an archer.