Naga Chaitanya’s OTT debut web series with Vikram has created a lot of excitement among fans and movie lovers. The web series is touted to be a horror-thriller series with a completely unique concept. Vikram Kumar is known for his terrific horror-thriller movie,13B: Fear Has A New Address, it will be interesting to see what he does with a series.
The storyline of the film has now been revealed and it has doubled the excitement for the film. Naga Chaitanya will play a messenger who speaks directly to spirits and conveys the message to humans.
This will not be the first collaboration between Vikram and Naga Chaitanya. The duo has already worked together for Thank You, which will release in the coming months. The shooting of the film has been wrapped up in exquisite locations.
Naga Chaitanya has been choosing unique and interesting concepts lately. It is always commendable to see a star hero choose unconventional roles without sticking to masala commercial films.