Tollywood Actor, Naga Chaitanya celebrates his 38th Birthday today. The Actor is already busy with his big production film, Thandel co-starring Sai Pallavi. The film also had its first song released recently. Based on few real life incidents in the lives of fishermen, Thandel will also be a heart touching love story releasing on February 7th next year. Now, Naga Chaitanya’s next film, tentatively titled, NC24 has been announced.
NC24 looks like an adventure based film as seen from the concept based poster released by the Actor. He also termed the theme of the film as “an excavation into Mythical thrills and shivers“. The film will be directed by Karthik Dandu and produced by BVSN Prasad under his SVCC Banner. The film will also be produced by Sukumar Writings, banner of Director Sukumar. Further details regarding the cast and crew are yet to come out officially.
Naga Chaitanya is surely hoping to give a solid comeback with Thandel. He seems to have put his everything into the film which can be witnessed from the posters and the song as well. NC24 will also be made to give him a solid lineup.