Tollywood Actor, Naga Chaitanya has recently made news by declaring his marriage with another Actress Sobhita Dhulipala. The Actor and actress got engaged as well with a ceremony attended by family members. This was even posted by his father Actor Nagarjuna on his official X/Twitter account. Now, Naga Chaitanya has spoken about his marriage details.
The Actor took part in a shop opening ceremony in Hyderabad where he interacted with the media. He was asked about the recent demolition of N Convention Centre as well which belongs to their family. But the Actor didn’t respond properly by skipping the question. He said that his father had answered about it on the social media platform. Coming to his marriage, Chaitanya said that the marriage details will be out soon.
The Actor is currently busy working for his Thandel co-starring Sai Pallavi. The film is being directed by Chandoo Mondeti and produced by Allu Aravind. The film is made with a big budget and aiming for a release this year in October. The Actor may concentrate on his marriage after finishing the film. The marriage will be attended by Tollywood celebrities as well. Let’s wish the Actor the best on his future endeavours.