Tollywood Actor Naga Chaitanya and Actress Sobhita Dhulipala wedding ceremony date is locked. The couple went into relationship long time ago and finally made the news public. The engagement ceremony was also done in the presence of close relatives and other friends. The wedding date is finalised on 4th December as per sources.
At first, it was planned as a destination wedding but this is now changed to Annapurna Studios. The marriage will be done grandly at the Studios as well. An official announcement is also expected to come out very soon regarding this. Fans and Audience have been eagerly waiting for this ritual.
This will be a second marriage for Naga Chaitanya after his divorce with Actress Samantha. The duo married each other in 2017 but parted ways after some issues. Naga Chaitanya stayed single until he met Sobhitha Dhulipala. Both then developed a relationship which was speculated many times as well. Now, it will end as marriage.