Akkineni Naga Chaitanya is on a winning spree. His latest outings Love Story and Bangarraju considered hits at box office. The young hero is currently busy shooting for his upcoming film, Thank You and Web series Dootha under Vikram K Kumar’s direction. Naga Chaitanya’s Hindi debut in Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha is ready for August release. Also, The Akkineni actor will work in a period drama in Venkat Prabhu’s direction. There are reports that Naga Chaitanya is about to sign a film with Shyam Singha Roy fame Rahul Sankrityan. The latest buzz is that Naga Chaitanya signed a movie with successful female director Nandini Reddy.
Ala Modalaindi, Oh Bbay! fame Nandini Reddy is teaming up with Naga Chaitanya. The info is that Swapna Dutt will produce this out and out entertainer under Vyjayanthi Movies. Nandini Reddy’s debut Ala modalaindi was a big hit. She dealt the comedy entertainer with ease and perfection. The movie entertained all section of audience. she dirceted Jabardasth, Kalyana Vaibhogame and Oh Baby. The energetic director is looking for a big hit to boost her career. Hence bagging this project will definitely give her hopes. Let’s wait and see if Naga Chaitanya who is giving continuous hits can deliver with this too.