Naga Chaitanya’s Custody was released last week with the young actor placing high hopes on this Telugu- Tamil bilingual. The film failed to live up to the maker’s expectations and has taken a downward spiral right from day one. Custody received mostly negative reviews and weak word of mouth. While certain action sequences and the film’s core plot were appreciated by many, the dull narration and dragged sequences were the major factors that led to the movie’s downfall.
For a few movies, heroes know the movie will fail before its release only after watching the rushes hence they don’t bother to promote it much. On the other hand, there are other movies where the Heroes are indeed confident of the subject and output and its failure comes as a huge shock. Custody belongs to this category. Naga Chaitanya, who truly believed in the film’s potential and hoped it would bring him back to winning ways is majorly disappointed in Custod’s box office results.
The bilingual directed by Venkat Prabhu failed to get a good opening in both Telugu and Tamil and is now headed towards being the biggest disaster of Naga Chaitanya’s career. The actor was in desperate need of a hit and the Custody result has dampened his spirit.