The episode of a stampede that claimed the life a lady recently at the Sandhya theatre during the premiere show of Pushpa 2 has caught the nation’s attention with the arrest of Allu Arjun. The Actor who was named as A11 in the case has to deal with it even after coming out of the jail. Latest to addition in the case is Mythri Movie Makers, the production company of Pushpa 2 which is named as A18 shockingly.
This is utter shocking. No one expected the Police to drag the Production house for the stampede as well. The Bodyguard of Allu Arjun has already been arrested in the case with Allu Arjun arriving at the Police station again for the interrogation. Now, it seems, Mythri Movie Makers and its producers should also have to deal with the case.
There are also rumours about Police seeking the cancellation of bail ordered to Allu Arjun to take him into custody again. It needs to be seen if the Police are seriously contemplating to go ahead with such speed.