The G.O.A.T, also known as The Greatest of All Time starring Tamil Actor, Vijay is directed by Venkat Prabhu. The film is already riding high on the expectations and currently under shoot. Tollywood Production House, Mythri Movie Makers has now grabbed the distribution rights of the Telugu Dubbed Version of The G.O.A.T.
Mythri Movie Makers will distribute the film in Telugu States. It is also rumoured that the distribution rights are fixed at around 30 crores which is huge. This will be Vijay’s career highest pre-bizz in Telugu States. The same production house is also producing Vijay counterpart Ajith’s current film, Good Bad Ugly. It was also rumoured that this production house tried to produce Vijay’s upcoming film. But Vijay seems to have given his nod for some other production house. But Mythri Movie Makers has somehow got the chance this way.
Vijay will be acting only one film after The G.O.A.T. H. Vinoth who earlier directed Ajith’s films, Valimai and Thunivu will helm the directional front for Vijay’s final film. The Actor has already established a political party, TVK and will concentrate completely on politics after this film’s completion. He will also compete for the Tamil Nadu State Assembly Elections scheduled for 2026.