Actress Nabha Natesh is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Maestro. The film also features Nithiin and Tamannah and will be releasing on Disney+Hotstar on 17th September. Merlapaka Gandhi is directing this remake of 2018 superhit Andhadhun which also fetched Ayushman Khurana a National Award.
Speaking to the media ahead of the release Nabha Natesh said that back in 2018 when Andhadhun released, she watched it and loved the film like everyone else.
“The film could be called a turning point of sorts for Bollywood and I am glad that I got offered the role played by the very talented Radhika Apte”, said Nabha Natesh. “I consciously made a decision to not watch the film as I didn’t want to get influenced by Radhika’s acting and wanted to offer my fresh perspective,” she added.
Nabha also stated that director Merlapaka Gandhi has made changes to the subject wherever required and her character will be truly different from that of the Bollywood version. The actress also expressed her excitement about the comparisons and reactions from the audience which are bound to come up once the movie releases.
Nabha further added that she will try to dub for all her future projects now onwards. “Unfortunately due to lockdown protocols I could not travel from Bangalore to Hyderabad for dubbing” she explained.