Manchu Vishnu starrer Mosagallu is slated for release this Friday and is promoting the film all day with back-to-back interviews on different networks. From the start of this project, there were several questions about the budget and other things and Vishnu has now come up with all the answers. Vishnu when asked about the budget he said that “This film was made with a budget of about 50Crs and as the budget going up, I decided to make ‘Mosagallu’ as a five-language film.” Adding to that “Actors who are popular in more than one language have worked on the movie. I am familiar with the Kannada and Malayalam audiences too. We know how popular Kajal Aggarwal and Suniel Shetty are.”
When asked about the result Vishnu said that “his family members are feeling pressured ahead of the release of the movie because he has taken a big risk with Mosagallu as his market is only 20-25Crs but he spent double on this project.” Mosagallu is based on true events. The movie is said to be focused on the infamous call center scam in the USA in which many NRIs were looted illegally as they believed that they were receiving the calls from IRS and the immigration department. The fraudsters apparently robbed a whopping $380 million dollars. Kajal Aggarwal will be seen acting as sister and Suniel, Naveed, Naveen Chandra are playing important roles in this film.