The Telugu film audiences have been plundered with many films on the last weekend. While Skanda and Chandramukhi 2 were the notable releases in the theaters. The Malayalam movie RDX Streaming on Netflix in Telugu and Nithya Menen’s web series Kumari Srimathi on Amazon Prime Video emerged as the must-watch content for this weekend.
According to the reviews and word of mouth, Kumari Srimathi is a beautiful story with humor, and a powerful message about women’s empowerment and rural entrepreneurship. The national media has also have positive reviews for the Web Series.
The series is being appreciated by the audience for its clean family content and Nitya Menon’s performance. Choosing a talented cast like Gautami, Naresh, Talluri Rameshwari, and others also enhanced the relatability factor.
RDX was released on August 25th and that too in competition with Dulquer Salmaan’s King Of Kotha. Quite surprisingly, RDX emerged victorious over King of Kotha and has been a major hit on its OTT debut as well.
RDX earlier premiered on Netflix only in Malayalam but seeing the massive response the platform made it available in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Hindi. The action thriller follows the lives of three youngsters who constantly get into fights and how their past eventually comes back to haunt them. Anbariv, the action choreographer behind recent blockbusters like KGF, designed the stunt sequences.
RDX is directed by debutante Nahas Hidayath, stars Neeraj Madhav, Shane Nigam, and Anthony Varghese as the main leads. It is produced by Sophia Paul, also stars Lal, Mahima Nambiar, Aima Rosmy Sebastian, Mala Parvathi, Baiju, Nishanth Sagar, and Babu Antony. The music of the movie is composed by Sam CS.