Bollywood’s Supernatural horror film Munjya is going great at the box office and is on its way to achieving something massive. The movie stars Abhay Verma, Sharvari Wagh Mona Singh, and Sathyaraj in key roles and is on its way to hitting the Rs 100 crore mark.
The film is running successfully at the box office and Collected 5.8cr on Saturday at the domestic box office. Total 16 days India Nett now stands at Rs 80 crores.
The film’s narrative unfolds in 1952, revolving around Munjya, a Brahmin boy who falls in love with Munni, a woman significantly older than him. Despite his desire to marry her, his efforts are unsuccessful. Frustrated, he turns to black magic as a last resort, leading to tragic consequences that cost him his life.
The film should comfortably collect Rs 6 crores on Sunday. With no film releasing since it first hit the screens on June 7th, Munjya managed to attract the audience in large numbers. This film’s run might get impacted with Kalki 2898 AD releasing this week on the 27th. The makers of Munjya will now hope for a good run in its final few days and cross the
100 crores mark by the end of week 4.