Another week, another set of grand entertainment is set to enthrall the Telugu audiences. While Rajinikanth’s Jailer has already receiving good response upon its theatrical release today, Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar will be released tomorrow. Meanwhile, the multiple latest movies which were recently released in theaters will be streaming on OTT from tonight. Those movies are Hidimbha, Mahaveerudu [Maamannan] and Por Thozhil.
“Por Thozhil”, directed by Vignesh Raja and starring Ashok Selvan, received an outstanding response from the audiences. The film’s main characters are played by Ashok Selvan, Sarath Kumar, and Nikhila Vimal. The movie was a big blockbuster in Tamil, and it was released in theaters on 9th June 2023. Now the film will stream on OTT from tonight on Sony Liv in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages.
Ashwin Babu’s Hidimba, which was released in theaters on July 20, received a mixed response from the audiences and critics as well. Nandita Swetha is the heroine of the film. Produced by Gangapatnam Sridhar under the banner of Vignesh Karthik Cinemas, Hidimba is directed by Anil Kanneganti. Presented by Anil Sunkara on the AK Entertainment banner. The film will be streaming on Aha Video from tonight.
Kollywood young hero Siva Karthikeyan’s film, Maaveeran hit the theaters on July 14. The film became a good success at the box office and now information about Maveeran (Mahaveerudu in Telugu) movie’s OTT release has come out. The film will stream on OTT from tonight, i.e, August 11th on Amazon Prime Video in both Tamil and Telugu languages.