Mufasa: The Lion King, is going great guns at the box office. The film’s Telugu version had voiceovers from Superstar Mahesh Babu alongside voice overs given by Brahmanandam and Ali. Shahrukh Khan has dubbed for Mufasa’s character in Hindi while Arjun Das has dubbed in Tamil
Mufasa: The Lion King emerged as a major box-office winner and has performed well in all languages in India. In total, the film has collected Rs 74 crores gross after 1st week in India. Here’s the language wise breakdown of Mufasa : The Lion King collections.
English: 26.75 Cr
Hindi: 25 Cr
Telugu : 11.2 Cr
Tamil : 11.3 Cr
The film took great advantage of Christmas weekend and with another weekend and New Year approaching, we can expect bigger numbers in the coming days.