Bollywood Actress, Mrunal Thakur rose to fame with her hit Sita Ramam in Telugu. The film made her grab opportunities in Telugu Film Industry. She did Hi Nanna with Natural Star Nani afterwards and Family Star with Vijay Deverakonda. She looked too old in these films or rather played matured woman roles. She badly needs a young makeover for the next films.
In Hi Nanna, she played an aged role as the mother of a 6 year old. In Family Star, there is a talk that she looked older than Vijay Deverakonda and she looked out of shape as well. She even spotted calling him like a wife in the teasers and trailers as well. The same happened with Hi Nanna where she looked a bit chubby. If she goes on establishing herself as a matured woman then she may not get a chance to work with young heroes for love stories. This might kill her chances as well.
Mrunal Thakur even received criticism for doing the same kind of roles in all the three films she did. So she must come out of this and try something different and new or else she may be limited to only these roles in the future.