Mr. Bachchan is an upcoming film starring Ravi Teja, directed by Harish Shankar. The film is also the official remake of Hindi hit film, Raid starring Ajay Devgan. It also has the deadly combination of Harish Shankar and Ravi Teja who scored a blockbuster with Mirapakay. The film is carrying a good buzz with neat promotions as well. Mr. Bachchan’s theatrical business is said to be around 40 crores worldwide.
The first single of the film, Sitar Song has worked out very well. The second single, Reppal Dappul will release this week on 25th July as well. The team is super confident of the output and preparing for to release the film on 15th August. Andhra Business ratio is quoting at 18 Cr and The Total Telugu states theatrical rights amount to 35 crores and Rest Of world rights is expected to do around 7 Cr. Overall even after negotiations the theatrical business is expected to close in the range of 40 Cr
Mr. Bachchan may find a tough competition in the form of Double Ismart starring Ram, Directed by Puri Jagannadh. which is also releasing on the same day. The film is a sequel to blockbuster, Ismart Shankar and is already riding high with the songs and teaser receiving good response. 40 crores of business for Mr. Bachchan will be a big one with this reason. So, let’s see what happens.