Mr. Bachchan starring Ravi Teja released yesterday. The film received poor reviews and negative word of mouth from the opening day itself. Audience are disappointed with the making of the film and they are trolling the director Harish Shankar badly. Mr. Bachchan had a poor opening on its 1st Day.
In Nizam, Mr. Bachchan opened with around 1.7 crores share. In Ceded it was around 60 Lakhs and AP contributed around 1.4 crores from six territories. The total Telugu States share is around 3.7 crores. If GST is included then the share will be around 4.2 crores. Worldwide share of Mr. Bachchan is less than 5 crores which is very poor. The theatrical rights are valued at 35 crores worldwide.
This is considered a very poor start for the film. Early premieres for the film have effected hugely on the opening day collections. Premiere show talk resulted in further damage for the film on the opening day. Today’s bookings are disastrous to say the least. The team must come up with something to put the film in limelight. It looks difficult to even cross the 10 crore share mark from now on. Ravi Teja will be adding one more disaster to his already disaster list films in the recent times.