RRR, the action epic directed by SS Rajamouli and starred Ram Charan and NTR, was released in last year’s March and had created all-time records at the box office. After that, the film was later released in Japan and went on to create a storm with amazing collections there as well. More than Fifteen lakh people watched RRR in Japan, which is a sensational feat.
The film has acquired an exceptional long run at the Japanese box office and surprised everyone. In fact many people from the industry itself commented that releasing RRR in Japan will not yield any big results. Now the film has completed 305 days run, and it is still continuing its run in limited theaters. So far, the film has grossed 2.345 billion Japanese currency.
The film has grossed a collection of over Rs 143 crore in Indian currency. So if you take a look at the collections of the film in the total run, including these collections…
RRR completed 305 Days in Japan
Total Admissions – 1,504,110
Gross – ¥2,345,094,490
The movie is still running in the theaters in Japan with a phenomenal run and numbers. Let’s see where the film will end its run.