The month of Madhu OTT streaming got postponed. The latest emotional drama was all set to make its digital debut, but the newest update from the streaming service Aha Video is that the streaming of the film has been halted as of now. Aha Video took to its official social media account and informed the viewers that they needed a little more time for the Month of Madhu to arrive on Aha. The delay in the film’s release is said to be a technical glitch.
Starring Naveen Chandra and Colors Swathi in the lead roles, ‘Month of Madhu’ was Directed by Srikanth Nagoti; the film was made as an emotional love family drama. As of now, the Month of Madhu OTT streaming has been postponed, and shortly, a new update will be given regarding the release date of the streaming service.
The film revealed the freedom of women and the bond between husband and wife from a message-oriented perspective. It was released on October 6 in theatres. Though Naveen Chandra and Colors Swathi were praised for their excellent performance, the film could have been a success. Shreya Naveli and Viva Harsha played vital roles in the movie.
Madhusudhan Rao (Naveen Chandra) and Lekha (Colors Swathi) fall in love and get married. After a few years of experiencing marriage, Lekha goes to court to get a divorce from Madhu. What was the reason for her drastic step? What is the relation of Madhumati (Shreya) with this couple’s life? Answers to these questions form the rest of the story.