Malayalam Film Industry, also known as Mollywood has struck gold this year with sensational blockbusters. Mollywood is a small marketed industry when compared to Tollywood, Kollywood and Bollywood. But this year has come in handy for Mollywood very well. Surprisingly, Mollywood has delivered 1000 crores grossed films this year.
Among these films, Manjummel Boys even went on to become the Industry hit grossing more than 200 crores gross worldwide. On the other hand, Premalu, The Goat Life, Aavesham managed to gross more than 100-150 crores gross worldwide. All these films collectively grossed more than 660 crores domestically and 360+ crores from the overseas market. Along with these films, some small films too contributed to their level. One of such films will be recently released Guruvayoor Ambalanadayil.
Manjummel Boys and Premalu managed to earn well in other languages along with Malayalam version too. They both did very well in Tamil and Telugu Versions. Manjummel Boys even grossed more than 50 crores worldwide from the Tamil version itself. Premalu on the other hand earned nearly 15 crores gross worldwide from the Telugu version. This way these films made their presence felt throughout the South India. With the success of these films, Mollywood may aim to take the game even further.