After years of debating how to introduce his son Nandamuri Mokshagna to the big screen, Nandamuri Balakrishna appears to have found the right fit in a story presented by famed director Prasanth Varma. Varma, known for creating a national sensation with his previous project, HanuMan, promises to be just as ambitious in his next attempt.
Varma had been leaking cryptic clues about his new project under the hashtag “Simba is coming” for a few days. The movie is produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri of SLV Cinemas and presented by M Tejeswini Nandamuri under Legend Productions. This is the star kid’s highly anticipated debut.
Mokshagna will make his debut with a sociofantasy film based on Indian mythology, a popular genre. Furthermore, the film will be part of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU), a bold decision that puts Mokshagna at the center of a wider story. Mokshagna, who has received extensive training in different parts of filmmaking and performing, appears to be on track for a successful debut.
Director Prasanth Varma stated, “It is a big privilege and a huge duty to bring Mokshagnya to the screen. Balakrishna Garu has put his trust in me and my narrative, and I shall be forever grateful. This is also part of PVCU and will elevate the universe to new heights.” Additional information about this highly anticipated film is scheduled to be released soon, as fans eagerly await additional glimpses into this exciting new chapter in Telugu cinema.