Nandamuri fans have been eagerly awaiting the entry of Nandamuri Mokshagna’s Tollywood debut for years. Balakrishna has always hinted at his son’s entrance and there have been several rumours about his launch with various Tollywood directors but nothing seems to have materialized till now.
While the announcement of Mokshagna’s debut is still awaited, Nandamuri fans have got something to rejoice in for now.
The latest look of Mokshagna is trending viral on the internet. An update about Mokshagna’s debut film is expected on his birthday. The debut of the Nandamuri scion is long awaited for Nandamuri fans and all audiences. Fans are expecting an update on Mokshagna’s birthday later this year.
Several combinations have been considered for this grand entry. While it was earlier rumoured that Boyapati Srinu would direct this project, Trivikram’s name also cropped up some time ago. As per the latest reports, the debut film has been locked with Hanuman director Prashant Varma and it will be a pan-Indian film